Sunday, January 8, 2012

What is the correct miles to change your oil in a car?

I always remember the recommended oil change for a car was 3000 miles. Many dealerships and shops are now saying every 5000 miles. What is correct?|||first off @whoever said 15,000 miles, no offense your full of it! its simple 3,000 miles, they say under "normal driving conditons" at dealerships, then tell you under normal driving conditions you can go up to 5-7 grand before a change. Do you know what normal driving conditons are considerd to be, start your car, let it warm up for 5 minuets (most people fail to do that) and drive it for at least 10 miles, far enough do every thing heats and expands evenly throughout the engine. When you start you car then drive down the street then shut if off before it gets to operating temp, get back in 20 min later drive to the gas station stop to put gas in get caught in traffic, these are everyday things that every day people do, but that IS conciderd to be severe driving conditions, and under those conditions its reccomended to change your oil every 3000 miles. follow the 3000 rule and your engine should have a long happy life! Hope this helped|||Always follow the vehicle specific recommendations/requirements.|||If it is an older auto stick with every 3000. If it is a new auto go with 5000.|||depends on the oil u use.......and the filter.....mobil one extended performance can go up to 15,000 miles.....

bottom line look at ur oil filter and see what its recommenced for.......general rule of thumb is standard filter si good for only 3k.....higher dollar filters can last longer......|||The increase in oil change intervals is due to improvements in metallurgy and chemistry. Most modern engines have far better internal bearing surfaces than in the past so there is less "gunk" in the oil system. Oil filters have also gotten finer filtering capabilities than in the past. Modern oils are formulated differently also so they can run longer without viscosity breakdown (heat damage) If the dealer recommends 5000 miles then that is right. It isn't uncommon for some makes to recommend oil changes at 7000 miles. Hope this helps.|||Read your car it's never going to hurt to change it more often then reccomended but it will hurt it if you don't change when it needs it and it hasn't hit the 3000 mile mark so learn to read your dipstick in regards to the color of your oil .. the price of oil is cheap compaired to the cost of a motor|||When you get your oil changed they put this sticker in your car. On the windshield. It says the milage you should go and get it done again.

Reading... youre doing it wrong.|||5000 to 8000 depends on driving conditions with regular oil

10,000 or more

It鈥檚 been a misconception for years that engine oil should be changed every 3000 miles, even though most auto manufacturers now recommend oil changes at 5,000, 7,000, or even 10,000 mile intervals under normal driving conditions.

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